A piece of Technology

A piece of Technology

Tou use technology  every day, without realizing it. It has became a important tool  and indispensable in my life. I use technology for everything, for the university, jobs, communication  and for hobbies.

 In works from university or architecture it is very important to create projects and all the material( investigations, maps, plans, images,etc.) it contains. I use my P.C. for every one mentioned, it is very important that it is a P.C that performs for all design programs. My P.C. levono ideapad gaming 3 (it is a gamer), I¨have had it for 3 years, i like it a lot. Most of the time I use it for architecture things.

 I also use ipad, i love it and it is very useful to read, when I want to watch things on Pinterest or just watch Netflix. I also like to like to take photos and then edit them, I also use the Ipad and sometimes the Iphone. 

Technology  makes our lives easier but it has a bad side since it has us so trapped spending most of the day in front of a screen .This is why i like to play sports almost every day and disconnect for that time. In addition, i usually suffer from migraines from spending so much time on the pc. 


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